Sunday, June 17, 2012

first step. :)

dalam hati ada taman lah.

tiba-tiba, sorang housemate dtg kt bilik.
'irah, aku rasa kan, pasni aku dah xnk ngumpat dia lagi. aku xnk tambah dosa aku lagi dgn mengata dia'.

waaaaaaaaaa. gembiranya.
akhirnya, usaha membuahkan hasil.
after we had long discussion about kiamat, about grunge, about parent, about hereafter, about bad-mouth. 
she decided.
not only her.
but, also the other her.
she decided to start think more positively and live positively.

akan ambil masa.
tapi takpe,
lama2 sy percaya. 
lebih byk perubahan  boleh dilakukan.

Ya Allah, tetapkanlah hati sahabatku.
berikanlah mereka kekuatan untuk terus berjalan mencari redhaMu.
tuntunlah hati2 kami Ya Allah.
sesungguhnya, segala-galanya adalah milikMU.

ok, org yg bercakap ni pun lagi bertanggungjawab dgn ape yg dicakap.
so, brace yourself irah. there's are lots more to come, lot's more to handle, and lots more to repair. :) 
yay! \(^_^)/

and. i also decided. to forgive her. 
though she took him from me, from ibu, kak long, gege and adik.
i had decided.
to forgive and forget.
and let's live happily without any hatred. 



assalamualaikum. :)


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