i screw up.
most of the subjects.
in test 1.
i never done this badly before.
nak bagi alasan mmg beribu kan?
dogathon la, pesta konvo la, kalam la, veternak la.
bunch, tons, millions of them.
but, there's one thing for sure.
tu mmg salah sy,
sape suruh x manage time elok2,
sape suruh studi last minute,
sape suruh kalo ad masa free keje tido je.
ok. my bad.
janji, xnak study last minute lg,
xnak tido byk lg,
nk manage masa elok2,
sungguh, sy bukan genius, pandai pun x.
i need hard work.
success or failed, sy yg pilih.
marilah kita move on dr test 1 yg hampeh ni. hukhukhuk.
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