Wednesday, May 4, 2011

susah hati.

susah hati. sungguh2. 
biarlah post ni super mengarut, lantkalah...hari ni sy susah hati. sy dh bgtau kak long. ibu pun dh. yah pun dh. 
nak cte kat spe supaya rse ok sikit. nk jpe kaunselor? ridiculous! *sigh
jd lepas rse susah hati, bce novel.

novel 1:
perempuan miskin, laki kaya. laki pura2 benci dkt perempuan tp sbnrnye suke. terkahwin., sy bce jgk smpai abis. sbb sy mmg suka susahkan hati sendiri.  pabocoro. padan muka. 

novel 2: 
perempuan solehah. cantik sgt2. mata kaler hijau, pan-asian. laki jahat, pastu insaf. jadi soleh. family marriage arrangment. lupe nk mention, lelaki pun hensem giler. perempuan jual mahal. laki sabar. happy ending. susah hati lagi. double padan muka!

xde ke citer pasal perempuan hitam(asyik heroin je, putih melepak), laki famili sakinah. hmmm...

ok. done~
susah hati tahap goku. 
tgk asmara ep 9. adesss... boring weh cte ni. tp tgk jgk. pabocoro. tambah susah hati lg. =.=

mcm mana ni, sy susah hati. 
i hate politics! seriously. 
i hate formality.
i hate this.
i hate that.

running away? bad choice. 
good choice? :(

saya dah buat keputusan yang salah ke?
bukan ni ke ape yg sy cari2 selama ni?
belajar terima perkara seadanya irah! put yourself together!!! 
tp sy x mampu, sy letih. suffocated. i need air. i need strength. i wish...
ok, stop day dreaming! ini bukan novel, bukan cerita asmara. 
this is a real life. full of crap. 
all the vibe around me right now is negative. ape sy ckp ni.
sy susah hati. sungguh. 

sy rasa kosong. sy nk balik. nk jupe ibu n adik2. bgn pg2 mkn nasi kerabu, jpe pekerja hensem kt 7-eleven.
nk tgk cte korea dgn ibu. nk dgr adik membebel. nk minum air teh ibu. nk minum air milo adik.merengek2 mcm budak kecik. sy rindu rumah. lambatnye raya. 

no sense of belonging. exactly. 
no matter how hard i try. still, the things is just still. 

ok, enough of crap. i'm going to ask His help.
my life is not going to fall apart.
i'm not going to let it be.
i have Him
i have faith.
i have family.
i have friend.
it's not the end of world.
things will be better. i little of pain. u can do this Nur Syahirah. i know u'll. 

p/s: sbb ape sy suke warna purple? sbb purple kn lambang miserable. i'm a miserable person. 

haha. tahukah anda kuda belang adalah seekor binatang yang bewarna putih yang mempunyai belang hitam? hehe. 

p/s 2: feel much better. packing my things. get ready for tomorrow crap.

good night and assalamualaikum. 


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