Sunday, May 12, 2013

Jigsaw Puzzle

saya harap dia tahu, bila dia senyum sebab saya.. i completed myself! :)

a repost. 

i keep looking, wandering, and circling at the same place a little while.
until i found you. 
this jigsaw puzzle is now complete.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Love Story

Your life is nothing more than a love story. Between you and God. Nothing more. Every person, every experience, every gift, every loss, every pain is sent to your path for one reason and one reason only: to bring you back to Him.
(yasmin mogahed)

sejak blajar pasal ini..
errr. blajar?
rse lebih bahagia. 

kak tuti punya ayat ni, mmg boleh buat sume org rse cam takkan putus asa dgn dunia, dgn org orang. 
'Apalah sgt dunia ni nak banding ngan akhirat'

kita selalu nak things go on our way. 
kawan kita mcm angel.
sume pun perfect. 
the thing is, mmg kita ckp kita terima seadanya, bla bla bla. 
tapi kan, sbb ape kita masih terluka, masih rse kecewa. 
terluka sikit tu ok la, kecewa sikit pun dimaafkan. kata manusia kan. 
tapi memanjangkan keterlukaan dan kekecewaan tu yang parah. 
wah! :P

Why do we hurt? 
We hurt because we love perfection. 
We want perfect ppl. We want perfect thing. 
Because we were made that way. 
He created us in that way. 
Man that love perfection and something eternal. 
Which we cannot find it here. 
Only Him is perfect and eternal. 
and only at Hereafter we can find perfect and eternal life. 
This world, so called dunya is not.
That is the reason why we keep on hurting ourselves. We try to find those perfection and eternal thingy here.
Chill lah dude, ape yang nak sedih sgt.
Dunia je pun.
Mne ad org yg sempurna. Mne ad hidup yg abadi kat sini.
Apelah sgt dunia ni nak banding dgn akhirat-kak tuti.

*copy paste status fb sendiri. :P 

and a reply from such an inspiring lady: 
If this life was perfect, how would we yearn for the next? Let's thank Allah for all this
imperfection of this life, so that our hearts keep longing for the next. Let's strive for the next life, the eternal. **Hugs**

she is such a tough lady. 
macam2 dugaan dlm hidup, but still 'chill lah dude, dunia je pun'
rse cm nak nangis laju-laju je. 

and somehow, i was stuck with strangers. 
we meet, and we fall in love. haha.
and to know how different we are, how different our background are. 
rse mcm gila2 bersyukur.
rse nak nangis laju2 lagi. 

one girl which i tot had a such a perfect husband, had a bad past, problem with her family. abused. 
one boy which i tot live happily as the youngest in family had so much love from the siblings but unfortunately not. 
and list will go on. 
the thing is. Dunya is so imperfect, there is no way you can find a perfect thing here. 
tak kira lah org tu nmpak perfect macam mana sekali pun, it's not. just dig a bit, and you will know. 

the more you learn about ppl, the more fortunate you will think you are. 

come hell or high water, InshaAllah. 
sbb  all this happen because He want us to come back, to return to Him. rely only on Him. :)

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Selepas itu.

baru lepas bace blog sorang kawan.
err... kawan ke.
just a stranger, but i know her through stories.
somehow, her spirit keep me motivated.
on how to forgive. and forget.


i'm glad 

Friday, February 15, 2013

The place where i found love! :)

im having a hard time. 
looking for a passion.

tak sangka, i found it at last. :)

fish and sea. 
saya jatuh cinta. 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Tuesday Song :)

Tuesday comes and goes like a raindrop slowly falls
It’s been a long long day
When my days turned like a river and I stopped counting the days
I’d spent without you

Wednesday morning comes and I turn on your radio

and every song
Shows me the picture of you and the secrets of our own.
and I just fall down and cry

I don’t know how to say goodbye

I don’t know how to quit you
Never say goodbye, 
I’ll hold you tighteven in the dark
I’ll see you around and you will find yourself at home
Know I’ll be here when your Tuesday comes

They call it Monday blue

but I only know Tuesday blue
and don’t ask me why
I don’t need the days to help me through this blue
I just need a proof that I’ll be with you

I don’t know how to say goodbye
I don’t know how to quit you
Never say goodbye, I’ll hold you tight
even in the dark

You don’t have to say it loud, 

you know why
I will keep my eyes on you
Never say goodbye,
That’s all there is to it
You go with it

I’ll see you around and you will find yourself at home alone
Know I’ll be here when your Tuesday comes

awww. sweet. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Ibrah kali ini. :)

yes, i met lotss of ppl. 
ada yang buat sy gembira.
ada yang buat sy rasa bermakna.
ada yang buat sy sedih. 
ada yang buat sy merana
ada yang buat saya rasa dihargai.
ada yang sekadar hadir.

but, the great thing is. 
their presence teach me.
they come, they go, they return, they never return back. 
tak kisahlah. 
the best part is i'm learning. 
from each and everyone i meet. :) 

hari ini cukuplah sekadar ibrah dari seorang sahabat ini. 
dia cuma gadis biasa. 
tidaklah alim mana. 
tidaklah genius mana. 
tapi dia berusaha. 
dan dia punya hati yg bersih. 
yang selalu insaf pada dosa-dosanya. 


dia memang tak sempurna. 
tapi bila dia jujur. 
itu sudah cukup sempurna di hati saya. :)
It's like impossible you can find someone that never talk behind your back. 
and when they do, they admit and apologize. that's the sweetest part. 

 me, can't always do that. 

Ya Allah. 
engkau temukan aku dengan insan2 ini, terima kasih. aku kini belajar sesuatu. 
and for keeping those sweet one beside me all the time, thank you Allah. 


Thursday, January 17, 2013

1, 2, 3

For the great days of my life,
Thank you Allah. :) 

Each day I am thankful
for nights that turned into mornings,
friends that turned into family,
dreams that turned into reality,
like that turned into love. 

Jadikanlah kami hambaMu yang betemu dan berpisah keranaMu
Bila bertemu tak puas,
Bila berpisah tak gelisah. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Study Week. Ha-ha

hari tu, 
saya rasa macam orang paling malang dalam dunia. 
kononnye hilang sebutir permata. 
kononnya dah jumpa cebisan puzzle terakhir but then lost it.
ceh. kalau boleh sy nak delete je memory ni. 
malu dengan diri sendiri. :( 
benci dgn perangai bodoh tu pun ad jugak. :( 

tapi ibarat kata adik perempuan saya yang umur 17 tahun. 
'never look back cz if Cinderella did, She will never marry a prince'. Ha-Ha

tak payah nak cinta sgtlah. 
if u marry someone, then u love him. 
senang kan. hehe. simple. suka sikit2 pun jadilah. if He is your jodoh. Allah will make u love him.with your own effort lah. :) 
cinta ni mengarut je kadang2. byk syaitan yg main peranan lebih. 
haha. but we can disagree about this. 

konon cinta kerana Allah, tapi cinta guna nama Allah. *dush! amik kene batang hidung sendiri. nah!! 
sy quote kawan saya cakap: 
'cinta kerana Allah tu bagi saya, bila saya terima dia seadanya untuk bangunkan agama Allah. 
bukan suka hati guna nama Allah nak nampak sweet + islamic'
and she did marry someone, like really for the sake of Dakwah. 
that's how i see and define 'cinta kerana Allah'
but we can always have disagreement. 
i agree to disagree. :) 

i lost a friend. but He give me Friendsssss. which now i call Family. :) 
and i want to be with them. love them. cherish this moment.
and i want to enter Jannah with them. :)

Ya Allah, terima kasih untuk insan2 terindah yang Kau kirimkan. Jadikan lah kami insan yang bertemu dan berpisah keranaMu. Aminn. 

rase tak sabar nak pindah sini. then i can have best of both world.  i cant stand long distance relationship with  my family any longer. i heart them sampai rasa nk pecah dada ni. wah! :P

rasa macam kelakar pun ad, 
i thought i will never find someone like you, 
but i found many. 
ok, silap. 
i didn't found one. 
i found a better one.
*show off. haha. sekali sekala. :D 

ok. sekian post suka hati di study week.
haha. rasa macam dilimpanhkan dgn kasih syg yg byk belakangan ini. alhamdulillah. Subhanallah. :)