kenapa mereka osem?
sape mereka ni?
last week was just osem.
super osem.
like what they used to say. GreaTT!!!. WoWWW!
1. Keluarga sy Osem.
2. Kawan2 sy Osem.
3. Junior sy pun Osem.
kisah 1: VETCAMP.
we share laugh, pain, tears.
those experience, moment.
told, untold.
i bet we all share the same feelings.
we argue, we love, we care.
cook together, bully them during night war, being bullied instead.
geng masak, geng equipment, facis, programmer.
haha. childish argument, yet sweet. :)
hatred in the air, love in the air.
we are young, we are free.
Bertemu berpisah kerana Allah.
Kalian, saya sayang kalian kerana Allah.
Let's move along together.
strangers>>friends>>family. <3
Kisah 2: CNY
home is where the heart is. indeed.
no words can explain how blessed i am.
when they are next to me; the world is mine.
sungguh, maka nikmat Allah yg mana lagi yg kamu dustakan.
sis, u know how much u mean to me.
Happy Birthday.
semoga kehidupan awak diberkati, dan yg plg penting, org nk bersama awk bukan je kat dunia, tp akhirat.
org sayang awak kerana Allah. sungguh. :)
Kisah 3: ...
bila hati dibiar kosong, x dipenuhi dgn cinta Allah.
inilah akibatnya. :(
Ya Allah, tuntun lah hati2 kami,
jadikanlah kami insan yg bertemu dan berpisah keranaMu.
yang mencintai untuk redhaMu.
yang sentiasa rindu akan kasih sayangMu.
Amin ya rabbal alamin.