Thursday, December 23, 2010
I've accomplish much!!~~

Friday, November 26, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
mahar cinta
Suara dihati melagukan rindu
Kiranya engkau mampu mentafsirkan
Setiapkan bait kata-kata yang terucap
Pasti dirimu kan memahami
Harapan kasih yang terbina
Sekian lamanya disudut hatiku
Hanyalah untukmu
Bukanlah aku sengaja
Melindungi rasa di jiwa
Namun bimbang diri kan terleka
Hanyut dibuai angan dan mimpi indah
Hingga terabai segala cita
Sedang khayalan tak menjanjikan
Segunung kebahagiaan
Sebagai mahar hantaran
Apakah mungkin engkau mengerti
Setiap cinta yang dilafazkan
Bukanlah sekadar mainan
Tetapi sebuah janji
Andainya dapat engkau mendengarkan
Suara dihatiku melagukan rindu
Kiranya engkau bisa mentafsirkan
Setiap bait kata-kata yang terungkap
Pasti dirimu dapat melihat
Rahsia kasih yang terpendam
Sekian lama disudut hatiku
Hanyalah untukmu
hopefully, suatu hari nnti~~
i'll be patient, i'll wait...
till then, let's be a good friend!~
Monday, November 15, 2010
bila x mmpu nk bersangka baik~
sy cuba pk blk sume yg baik2 awk penah buat...
sy cbe sangka baik...
bila org ckp awk gatal,
sy cbe pk mgkin awk x berniat..
sy cbe sngka baik..
bila org ckp awk sombong, bajet bagus..
sy cbe pk, x salah kot awk cri kwn2 lain dr kteorg je
sy cbe sngka baik...
tp saya pun manusia... kdg2 rse awk mmg selfish, gatal n bajet bagus...
sy doa kalau sy silap, Allah betulkan pendapat sy ttg awk..
dan kalau awk mmg dh berubah mcm yg sume org ckp..
awk dpt cari balik jln balik..
sy x nak putuskan ukhwah kita semua~
sy syg kwn2 sy~
Sunday, November 7, 2010
sy mmg pabocoro!~ T_T
sy mmg pabocoro... sy tujukan lagu ni utk diri sy~
Like an idiot, why didn't I know?
Like an idiot, why did I let you go?
Like an idiot, my heart cries slowly
I know now
My love is only you
Even if my eyes look for you
Even if my heart pressures me
I didn't believe that it was love
I believed that I was lonely and had to lean on you
Like an idiot, why didn't I know?
Like an idiot, why did I let you go?
Like an idiot, my heart cries slowly
I know now
My love is only you
Let's not act like idiots
Let's not heart ache alone
When tears fell because of the pain
I'd become upset with my heart for being so weak
Like an idiot, why didn't I know?
Like an idiot, why did I let you go?
Like an idiot, my heart cries slowly
I know now
Do you know, that you are my love?
Do you know, that you fill my heart?
Like an idiot, I've just found out now
You, I call you
Because without you, I cannot live on
tp lgu ni mcm over sgt.. xdela smpai xley hidup...
sy lg xley hidup tanpa kakak sy...
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
hmmm.. kesian adik2
1. sy rindu nk mkn mskn ibu
2. sy nk msk mknn feveret sy
3. sy nak main dgn adik, wpun dye sgt mengada
4. sy nk tlg ibu, dgr luahan ati dye, n share kesedihan ibu
sejak ayah tinggalkan kami, few things dh berubah
1. ibu jd lebih kuat, berhati-hati
2. adik jd pendendam
3. sy rse mcm dh xde ayah lg... dye x pedulikan kami...
kol n bg duit x ckup....
hmmmm... kalaulah ayh ley bc n i irah nk bg thu
1. ayh dh berubah
2. ayh dh x sygkan kami, w/pun kt mulut ayh ckp syg..
3. ayh dh pergi jauh sgt.... irah x dpt kejar
4. kdg2 irah rse ayah cm dh x wujud
5. ayh lebih pentingkan ank tiri dr kami..
6. ayh yg abaikan kami, bukan kami....
7. ayh dh x rasional
8. irah rse, keputusan ayah utk tinggalkan kami... SALAH~~
xpela, dh berlaku pun...
Sunday, October 24, 2010
sy gembira kte kwn!
mgkin sy lg gembira kalo kte x kwn.
kalo kte lbey dr kwn.
tp, sy suka begini.
awk gembira.
sy gembira.
suatu hari nnti.
sy harap.
sy berdoa.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
mungkin begini lebih baik~ ^_^
bila awk bahagia,
bila awk percaya saya,
bila awak ambil berat pasal saya..
mmg sy selalu harap lebih,
mmg sy xnk kita kwn je,
mmg sy suka awk...
tp sy rse,
mungkin begini lebih baik,
tgk awk dr jauh,
harap awk hidup dgn baik,
sy bahagia~
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
::here come the semester break::

so called boring semester break.
this time around, i'll make it difference.
i want to make it alive~ fulfilled.
i've had started wif 'perjalanan mengenal erti kehidupan' kat kelantan@rumah fanta syiru. continued wif rooftop rant.
i've decided myself.
i'll be someone GREAT.
someone ppl will acknowledge.
someone dat will make mom proud.kak long too. n ayah~
someone dat can live well.
someone with eternal happiness.
this sem break.
i'll make it a LIFE.
reading books.lots of book. berbakti kpd ibu bapa. keep everything clean. closer to HIM.
tenks to saifulislam.hlovate.
u've been such inspiring ppl ever.
tenks to ya story.
n most tenks for HIM dat had acknowledge me to a great person like u.
cuti ni akan jadi sem break terbaik.
starts wif ppl around me.
i'll be great daughter,
i'll be great sister.
i'll be great friend.
the others i'll write later...
and i've decided to write a review of all the great book dat have inspired me.
i'll hope it will inspired others too.
may Allah bless
Monday, April 12, 2010

When You Are Ready To Love
From the first time we met, I knew we would be friends
You had a different air than others that I knew
I am also alone in this world I’ve come to know
Finally, I’ve met someone like you
I know that I might’ve been a bit cold at times
But that was just the way I dealt with all my fears
You took the first step to show I don’t have to be alone
And now I, I know I love you
I will be waiting for you
Don’t care how long it may take
I will always be right here
When you need to laugh or cry
You let me know
When you are ready to love
And I will rush to your side
To sweep you into my arms
Maybe one day you’ll know the love that I’ve kept inside
I know love comes with pain; it’s so hard to erase
All that I’m asking is for you to let me stay here
Don’t be scared; you can lean on me
I know I’ve found the one when I look into your eyes
I will wait by your side till you can give me your heart
dedicated especially to him~~

Sunday, March 14, 2010
BroKen~~ T.T

aidilfitri 2009,
kte satu family amik gmbar smpai 1 jam,
nk pastikan ad gmbar yg betul2 cantik,
g umah sumah, cik ngah~
pastu g umah......hehe~~
irah bahagia sgt~~
tp, manela irah tahu tula raya terakhir kte satu family~
kte tgk bola sme2...
first time satu family tgk tv same~~
irah rse sgt hepi~~
irah ingat ni la permulaan yg baik utk kte~
tp, manela irah thu ni la first n last time kte tgk tv same2~
kte g kl anta irah dftr u,
walaupun milo fuze,
kte hepi sgt time tu,
smpaikan mase kat tol pun adik nk bgthu kt jurutol tu~~
tp, manela irah thu nilah kali terakhir kte milo fuze sme2~~
kte g shopping kt sogo,
ayah blikan ibu mcm2,
irah pun tmpg bahagia~~
tp, manela irah thu..tu hadiah perpisah utk ibu~~
kte dinner sme2,
ayah order ikan kukus,
tp sbb irah x suke sgt ikan kukus,
ayh tambah lg order ikan 3 rasa,
irah rse cm sgt disayangi~
tp, mnela irah thu...irah x la disayangi mane pn~~
mungkin kita bukan the happiest family,
tp kte still satu family,
makan same2, jalan same2, raye same2, milo fuze pn same2~~
manela irah tahu...
tula last time kte rye,tgk tv, mkn n milo fuze sme2~~
sume tu x kan berulang lg,
those fading memories~~
Saturday, February 27, 2010
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